Hi Guys,
I am working on a home made theodolite project and am currently researching the workings of the tribrach. I do not have a unit available for inspection. I was hoping
somebody could provide a description/drawings of the footscrew assembly on a standard 3 footscrew tribrach. I am not sure about the mechanism to prevent binding of the screws as they are adjusted. I have inspected one drawing I found on the internet, but
this simply shows the upper plate with threads to receive the screws, which are attached via a ball/socket to the lower plate. This arrangement to me suggests the thumb screws will bind when turned to different heights. I have been unable to find more detailed/updated drawings.
If anybody could provide further clarification/enlightenment I would be most grateful
If you live in the USA, I would gladly mail you an old broken one. My email is in my profile (click on my name) and send me your address.