Gentlemen--we are re-designing a parcel and the client has supplied us with "digital" copies of the previous work. They are on the Terramodel platform ver. 8.0(.pro file). We can view the files but can do nothing else. We are on a Civil 3D ver. 12. Is there a way to convert the Terramodel files to usable Civil 3D files?
Any and all suggestions welcome, short of purchasing Terramodel.
I have Terramodel so I might be able to convert for you. Also, on Trimble's site, you can download TBC and convert from it (link added). I believe it is free.
Thad--Thanks--I'll try website first. We received the data on CD. Don't think we can e mail, my assistant told me it's 100mb.
There is an app called Dropbox that is handy for sharing large files. Probably numerous others too. I was introduced to it when I was looking at some large .SHP contour files a few weeks ago.
My Dad used to use Terramodel, but then he got a job...... 😉
Thank you gentlemen. I'll try the TBC download first. I also have a call into my Trimble rep (we have an R-8) and see how many rounds I'm gonna have to buy.
Where are you located. I may have a copy of TM you could use for conversion purposes.
Central New Jersey--Middlesex County.