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Surveys, Guns, and Racism ... Oh my!

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Conducted a survey this weekend of an acre sized rural property because the client is insisting that one or more corners were moved by the previous surveyor after "conspiring" with his neighbor.  He has a sealed map (not recorded) from a survey performed in 2008.  He is happy with the survey and map.  However, he states that another surveyor came in and moved one of the property corners approximately 3'.  He also has a map from this surveyor.  This map has no seal and is stamped "Preliminary".   I told him that the sealed map is the legal map and the other didn't hold water.  He wanted to be sure that nothing was moved so I was hired to retrace the survey from the sealed map and report any discrepancies. The client  stated that he simply wants to make sure that he still has his 1.01 acres as per the map.
There are high tensions in this situation involving the alleged moving of property corners, racially charged animosity, and unfortunately, guns. (fewer things I despise more than the confluence of  ignorance, animosity, and violence) 

To questions arise:

1 -  One of the corners was a Iron Axle sticking out of the ground approximately 1'.   It's leaning about 20-25 degrees.  Where would you set up over this corner?  The top of the axle ... or where it actually enters the ground.

2-  The 2008 Surveyor's map reads 1.01 acres.  Whereas my survey yielded 1.006 acres.  Using the approximate 3 foot location where the client says the corner was at adds an 0.006892 acre to the property to put me in the 1.01 arena.   Yes, I absolutely plan on speaking with the surveyor.  I just wanted to get the counsel of fellow surveyors before doing so.  I respect this surveyor and his work, so how do I frame this conversation of "corner moving"?

Honestly, this usually wouldn't be a big deal for me but tensions are high.  And I don't respond well with people ignorant people with weapons.


Thanks in advance!





Posted : March 12, 2023 5:42 pm