Had a request for a subdivision last December. Basically a two tract split. So a Minor, still involves a bunch of water rights, DEQ, Soil Conservation, testing, fire plan, utility approvals, USPS approval, ect.?ÿ
Told them the water will take a year if lucky so didn't hear back from them.?ÿ
Today, almost July got a request from them to start the subdivision, seems they went to another shop that hadn't ever done one. Now they are a year out for water approval and we don't have anyone to look at the engineering side, all our engineers are slammed. If I even think about starting it the first water submittal will be November. That puts them at least the end of next year.?ÿ
Tried to explain it, now they're 7 months in and still at the starting line.?ÿ
Tried to explain it, now they're 7 months in and still at the starting line.?ÿ