Bezitopo (or rather ViewTIN, which will become Bezitopo's GUI once I write more of it) is bilingual. I added another error message but I'm not sure how to say it in Spanish. If you have an alignment that's, say, 2 km long starting at 0, and you ask for the coordinates of the point 3 km along it, you get this error. (Actually, I've barely stubbed the alignment class, but other classes have a station() method, with the same meaning.)
I looked up estaci??n?ÿin?ÿ, but while it has total station,?ÿbase station, and even just?ÿstation in the sense of a point that is occupied, it doesn't have?ÿstation along an alignment. So I looked for?ÿalignment.?ÿAlineaci??n is not the right term; it appears to mean?ÿsetback. Do any of you know what is the right term?