Well done video.
I commented on this thread 4 years ago, I always check any important RTK location independently from the first location. Property corners, section corners, any location that needs to be used to do a property line or important mapping feature. I have not found a bad RTK shot in those 4 years, neither has any of the crews. Used to get them all the time, they got more rare, and now I just don't see them.
It can be frustrating standing there waiting on the R10 to resolve, but it won't take a shot even in the woods until it's sure of it. Sometimes it won't ever take one, and you have to do something else but that's ok with me.
For everyone: Pine trees are a major source of GPS iffy solutions. Tall pines are worse, and wet tall pines the worst of all. Don't even think about a good solution near a pine tree. That's just the way it is.
Yessir. Wet pine needles are the devil.