I talked about this project before, having trouble actually doing it.?ÿ Need to monitor some targets on a railroad bridge project with a Trimble SPS930 1 second robot and SCS900 controller software.?ÿ Want to measure rounds to some fixed prisms occasionally to detect movement.?ÿ According to the SCS900 manual the software includes the Measure Control Network function that allows configuring and measuring rounds of angles.?ÿ To use this function, you must purchase and install the Advanced Measurement Module which has a new option called Measure Control Network.
So we did that, got it installed, should be set to go.?ÿ I use Access on my controller, but the other surveyor here is going to do the monitoring with SCS900.?ÿ I first set up 1 SPS930 robot in the conference room with some nodal prisms?ÿ set around the room. I connected?ÿ with my controller, called the setup point 100,100,100 and shot rounds of measurements to the prisms and got some coordinates on them with maximum 2 second deviations.?ÿ Then I popped the instrument out of the tribrach and he set another SPS930 robot in the same tribrach.?ÿ Using SCS900 he did a resection to the prisms and returned a 100,100,100 station location.?ÿ Perfect.?ÿ I also had some other small monitoring prisms set that I shot rounds to with hardly any deviations.?ÿ When he used the Advanced Measurement mode to shoot those, it kept returning deviations in the 1-2 minute range and failed every shot.?ÿ So we switched back to the instrument I originally used, and it did the same thing.?ÿ Both these instruments just came back from being calibrated, and since it seemed to work perfectly with my controller and Access, the problem seems to be with SCS900, but I am at a loss as to what it might be.?ÿ We've never had any problems with SCS900 before adding the new module, so I'm thinking it must have something to do with that, but I don't see any settings in there that might cause it.?ÿ Called tech support, but haven't heard back yet.?ÿ Any ideas?