Anybody know of any review courses or study groups in the Philadelphia area? Or online possibly? Thanks.
What did you have to do to get them to keep up with your application material long enough to get approved for the exam? I sent in my application (with an NCEES Record) back in June 2011 and have still not been approved. I have sent some forms 3 times. What's going on up there?
I read other people had the same problem. I fortunately didn't have any problem. I sent my application last summer for the Principals and Practice exam and the State Exam last Summer was approved for both and took both in October. Unfortunately though I didn't pass the State Exam.
you missed the psls conference in Jan. they usually have a good course there.
also look into psls del val chapter. they had a review course / study group a few years ago, not sure if they're still doing it or not..