Hello Surveyors,
With just under 3 more months to submit OPUS shared observations for the GPS on Benchmarks Campaign https://geodesy.noaa.gov/GPSonBM/ I was wondering if any of you have worked in or around National Park Units and could submit 4+ hour static observations in time for the December 31st deadline.?ÿ Many of our parks are "off grid", and have few roads but if by chance you have a qualifying static observation and photos on any of the priority marks we sure could use some help.
This web map displays Priority A and B marks https://noaa.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=6093dd81e9e94f7a9062e2fe5fb2f7f5 .?ÿ NPS has only submitted 151 marks in the last 10 years, mostly due to our lack of access to dual frequency receivers (slowly changing now for the better).
Not that you men and women don't have anything more to do, but this is a great opportunity to help us improve consistent use of NSRS and prepare NPS units for the NSRS modernization that is coming.
Thanks for this opportunity to post.?ÿ Be safe out there.
Was just looking for a point on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Set in 1935. Something did not look right so some internet searching found a pic of the intersection in 1944, and the bridge being build that destroyed the mark in 1958-59.?ÿ