I have been trying to access the NOAA Page, more specifically OPUS, with Internet Explorer and cannot get there. I keep getting a "This Page Cannot be Displayed" error. It's as if the address was wrong even though I know its correct.
Just wondering...is anyone else having an issue like this....or is the OPUS down right now? I can actually access it on my Iphone which is, of course, Apple based and therefore uses Safari as a browser......could this be a Browser issue? I have been using IE as my browser for years and never had a problem getting to OPUS. Confused....and need to get this data uploaded. Not sure there is a way to get my data file (.tps) onto my Iphone to send that way.
I just resent one from yesterday so at least it is loading up fine.
The User Friendly CORS page is also appearing very much out of order and not responding. The date field will not accept keyboard entries.
edit - I should specify IE. Going to try Chrome next.
NGS has a message on the CORS page to the effect that IE may not run their scripts properly and suggesting that you use Firefox or Chrome. I had trouble with the UFCORS page last Thursday, I couldn't get data from it no matter what browser I tried.