Still scanning and getting rid of boxes.?ÿ
There is box of two old jobs for two mapping projects.?ÿ
Circa 1979-1980; it would be an all day job to scan all the field folders.
We look at them and have to decide to scan, pitch the whole thing or keep the box somewhere for the records.?ÿ
Don't really want to keep the box, don't really want to spend a whole day scanning it, finally it dawns on me that no one here has a license in either state......that make it easy. To the office paper recycle bin it goes. You have to let go of stuff sometimes.?ÿ
You have to let go of stuff sometimes
Hard to do sometimes.
About two weeks ago I discovered some 24x36 drawings that I had not yet filed from four and a half years ago.?ÿ Thought of pitching them but didn't do it right then.?ÿ Two days later I received a call from that client. She couldn't put her hands on her copy so asked if I could simply shoot a pic for her.?ÿ No problem.?ÿ Made sure anyone could tell it was simply a photo of an unsigned drawing with cookbooks holding it flat to the floor.
I've been around more than one hoarder, it's really a terrible sickness.?ÿ
I can throw stuff away anytime I want to.?ÿ I just don't want to, yet. ?????ÿ
The important thing is to keep the truly important stuff in one place and all of the other potentially valuable someday stuff in other places.?ÿ That will save the heirs a lot of work after your funeral.