Does anyone have a good LEICA GSI to FBK converter for use in Civil 3D?
From what I recall the Leica GSI dump does not include station setup and orientation data, which makes a conversion not very useful. A format file would be a better solution. Which Leica instruments do you need this for? A few years ago I wrote a RW5 format file for downloading data from a TCR705, which we still use at the company I work for. I'm sure a FBK format file would not be much different from a RW5 format file, in theory.
Our 1200 series have a field data extractor add-on to export RW5 or FBK. Pretty sure those export options were included with our Viva software by default.
Hi Jacob,
We do have our own converter which works for the old TCR705 and 1105. We typically export GSI MASK 16.
This program does account for instrument and back sight and replaces the redundant information with singular points so I believe it is possible for instrument information to be extracted.
It was originally designed for adjustment of initial monitoring jobs but requires much editing and is very time consuming.
We do have newer Leica that extracts FBK and works seamlessly with Civil 3D least squares adjustment and was hoping for a similar program.
Would you be willing to release your version? If there was a cost, how much would it be?
Thanks for the reply.
Hello Johnny,
The format file I created I have no problem with sharing, I can send you the file on Monday when I'm in the office. It's of course tailored to our workflow in terms of the information included, the coding, etc. It's for the TCR 700 series only and creates a RW5 file. Modifications would be required to work with the 1100 series.
It may be possible to persuade me to create a FBK format file, email me directly if you're interested.
Thanks Jacob.
I will send you a sample GSI from the 1105 along with our converter and sample FBK.