I was going to look for a section corner and on the way figured I would swing by the 1/4 to the east to help find the section corner. On the quad the 1/4 plotted on the top of a ridge and should have been undisturbed. Also in the notes it had a topo call to a road 1.2 chains to the west. The "road" is now almost faded away to nothing, it was probably a major route in the 1880's during the survey and on the quad it's shown as a jeep trail. On the ground the road is now difficult to find. So I looked on my google earth app on my phone and followed it to the old road intersection and sure enough there is a faint two track, turned down it and navigated to the 1/4 position where I ran into this:
It's a bit short of the topo call (too close to the road by about 20 feet), looks like every other monument out there, and it's a bit south of where I figured it should be. But it sure looks like the monument and the corners in this area were not accurately surveyed, +- 100' is not unusual. Couldn't find a marked stone but many of the stones are very faintly marked or no marks visible.?ÿ
Then I saw this:
on the large rock which turns out to be an outcrop and not a loose stone is a square cut. That is to hold a disk for a bench mark. This is part of a bench mark run along the two track and has nothing to do with a 1/4 corner.?ÿ
Couldn't find the actual disk but very sure this is not a monument.?ÿ
I went north 80 feet and east 1.2 chains off the two track and that position falls in a wash and no pile was recovered, it was time to move on the the section corner by then.?ÿ