I have been wearing Coasta del Mar sunglasses for some time now. They are great for fishing and until recently surveying. I wear the C-mates because I need the readers in the bottom to tie fishing knots, see my phone, and operate the data collector.
In October I put my first Surveyor 2 into service. The unit works great. In fact I bought a second. The only problem is the direction of the polarization in my sunglasses only allows me to see the screen of the DC at a 45 degree angle. So I have been unable to wear my awesome reader sunglasses in the field for the past 6-months.
I am hoping some other surveyor that uses the Surveyor 2 has found a pair of reader sunglasses that work.
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Yep, polarized glasses are a pain with data collectors. Just tilt your head like a bird and it pops back into view.
Andy J, post: 422144, member: 44 wrote: Yep, polarized glasses are a pain with data collectors. Just tilt your head like a bird and it pops back into view.
Yeah...got that. Looking for a solution that suggest a brand of sunglasses that have readers in the bottom. Don't care if they are polarized or not. But my helpers sunglasses, they are polarized, just not in the same direction as mine. He can see the screen on the Surveyor 2 just fine. However, he is younger and does not require reading glasses like this old man.
slightly on-topic: ain't it fun these days to walk into any kind of recently-modernized chain restaurant with polarized sunglasses on? kind of like: where'd the menu go?
DEWALT Dominator smoke lens
A Harris, post: 422161, member: 81 wrote: DEWALT Dominator smoke lens
This was a good lead. Looks like the Reinforcers have bifocals. $13. Arrive on Saturday. I'll let you know how they work next week. Thanks for the tip!
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BushAxe, post: 422364, member: 11897 wrote: This was a good lead. Looks like the Reinforcers have bifocals. $13. Arrive on Saturday. I'll let you know how they work next week. Thanks for the tip!
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Used those new shades all day working on the beach. 2.0X bifocals and smoke lenses worked great. No problem reading the DC, Maps, Watch, or phone.
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Safetyglassesusa.com has quite a selection of bifocal safety glasses at reasonable prices.