Was contacted by an older surveyor today that was looking for a 48 (his went kaput). This got me wondering, what would the best emulator or replacement for tablet, iphone, etc?
I've used pretty much all of the newer data collectors, just thinking more along the lines of suggesting a replacement.
There is a wonderful HP41 emulator (i41CX) for the iPhone - runs all the Pacs
I like real buttons, so I like the HP50g.
Android has a free HP48 emulator, called Droid48.
I had a 48 emulator on my old laptop. Gonna have to find it for my new laptop.
I second the Droid48. When I find that my 48 is still in the vehicle too far away, I take out my phone and run a few calcs with the Droid48. The "48-thinking" is the same and the buttons are in the same spot. I love it! 😀
The best one that I've found for the iPhone is "i48". It's almost the exact same as having a 48gx in your hands... and yes you can play minesweeper on this one also.
I currently have 3 in my possesion plus the iPhone app. And no, none are for sale
I have the droid48 on my 7" tablet. I think it's great. A perfect size as well for that screen. I am sure it must be nice on an iphone, but it seems like it would be kind of tiny.