Closure Precision> 1 in 9,100,972,836,023,228.0
I could cut a one foot section out of the middle of my tape, traverse around for a while and get the same numbers.
How close are you REALLY??? 😉
Well I would have to get Jethro to do some goes-n-zas to splain it to me.
Beat that?
How about: Closure Precision> 1 in 9,100,972,836,023,228.6
It was easy...I copied and pasted your number here and added 0.6.
I worked with a couple of office guys years ago, and the two of them went out to the field to locate some improvements and some property pins.
They came back in and did some "cypherin'" and when they were done, one of them turned to me and said wow...frank and I got 1/1,500,000 (or some such perfect) closure. I had him show me what they did. They went out and set on a point and backsighted another point and turned angles and distances (sideshot) to all the pins and put coordinates on them. They then inversed between the pins. After that, they took the bearings and distances they inversed, and ran them through their cogo traverse program. By golly, they got that best closure ever.
It was at that moment that I realized that I wasn't going to learn much from these guy's tutelage.
Don't worry - it was just my plat check closure. The field closure was like 1:20,000 or so. But I always chuckle when I run that plat closure check before it goes out the door and the number comes back in the quadrillions.
Back to making the sausage.
1 in 9,100,972,836,023,228.04
Eureka I've found the proverbial .04 of a foot.
Compass or transit rule?