I'm dividing up a 166 acre tract into two almost minimum acreages to avoid zoning. The northerly line of the 166 acre tract is along the centerline of a county gravel road.
There was a survey of the road in 2018 to create the tract. County roads here have old surveys but seldom follow the layout, this one is no exception, so the roads get resurveyed and the centerline is put on record as it exists on the ground.?ÿ
That is what happened here. When your autocad takes over sometimes odd things happen. On this resurvey a 7700' radius, 1degree delta curve was created in the middle of the northerly line, all of 126' feet long.
It's a gravel road!!!!! ?ÿ
Comon' now, I can't be the only one that can spot a 10,000 foot radius curve a mile away??ÿ ?????ÿ
Subdivision/tract design can get computer wonky.?ÿ
By spring there will be many curves along the same portion of that road.
Be thankful it??s not ??7699.523 R, 0-00-58 Delta?
What a bunch of:
The northwest corner of the tract is in a curve, to the west it's 20 feet to the PC; if the PI was held and the tangent lines were shortened the PC could be the NW tract corner. The line headed to the west could have been drawn through the 7700' radius curve to the next tighter necessary curve and by shifting the PC starting the tight curve all the "CL" would have fit within 1.5' of the CL that is now there.
We have been working for years with a developer that sends off his design to an out of state company. They send it to us to be platted and staked, the first couple were a fight, but we seem to have gotten through to them now, all those double corners, PC 2' from a property corner and such are cleaned up now. Trying to explain why double corners aren't a great idea for the property owners is difficult and I can't figure out why it is.?ÿ
Maybe it's from doing this by hand before computers, we would never have caused some of the complicated layouts I see now when we drafted them on mylar sheets by hand. Same with DOT Right-of-ways. Jogging a ROW 5' into a curve costs more money setting the extra monuments than buying the extra 50 sq ft of land. But I see that all the time.?ÿ
my favorite is two short length, long radius curves, like 5000 and 5500 r, 100 ft length, separated by a 1 ft tangent.
Good CAD gone bad.
I always find it so surprising that many surveyors go out and locate the center of a rural road at the middle of the driving path instead of locating the margins of the originally constructed roadway to determine the location.
The graded or oiled or paved portion changes every time the road is improved or maintained.
The margins of the constructed roadway remain the same until some drastic change is made in the route of the roadway.
County roads here are often crowned and ditched, plus almost always fenced. If the fencing is 60' wide for a 60' road and it follows the original survey description and the road wonders between the fences then hold the fences. If the road follows the description and the fences wonder hold the road, there is no real standard, just common sense. But a foot here or there is usually not even findable. Heck most of the descriptions were nearest degree and nearest 10' type of descriptions.