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TBC question: average observations on import

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just moved fron TGO to TBC


In the field we GPS our station points 2 times with at least a 4 hr delay.

Points are stored with the same name and may be averaged if within tolerance or stored with Store Another when not.

Average tolerance is set to 20mm H and 30mm V so we get noticed about the differences.

In TA we do Store Positions (not vectors) since we do no postprocessing with this data.


Since we work with notes extensively and TBC does not attach notes to pointIDƒ??s I wrote a small utility to read the jobxml, take the Arcadis notes and write them back to the jxl file as descriptions. In TBC we have our keyed in notes available for export as description1.

In TBC we import the jxl file, not the job file. (but everything is in there, there should be no difference between job & jxl)


Previous in TGO we could change in the recompute setttings if the best observation was to be used or to average the multiple obesrvations when they were within tolerance (tolerance set in TGO) We played with these settings depending on the job and conditions. Standard was 40 H and 50 V, different from TA.


Must be me, but I canƒ??t find the settings to average these observations on import in TBC.

Iƒ??ve been reading the help on computation settings and the help on averaging points, but itƒ??s definitely not the last one.

Here are my settings:?ÿweighted mean of like observations and point tolerances set.


Maybe the ƒ??Stored as positionsƒ?? in TA makes these observations fixed, or Iƒ??m missing something else.



Posted : December 6, 2019 12:31 pm
Posts: 932

I don't think you can average points on import anymore.?ÿ Just use the average point function from the survey ribbon.

Posted : December 6, 2019 1:30 pm