I have some conventional data in TBC. The crew busted one of the distances in a set. How do I edit that distance? I have enough other checks between the points to be confident in changing it.
> I have some conventional data in TBC. The crew busted one of the distances in a set. How do I edit that distance? I have enough other checks between the points to be confident in changing it.
> Thanks.
> Tim
Hi Tim. I don't believe you can. The set can be edited in StarNet, but not in TBC. That round can be deleted from the set however. The DC [Review Job] cannot be edited either except for rod and instrument heights, etc. Sorry, I know that isn't the answer you were looking for.
Thanks. I ended up deleting just the bad measurement from the set so I could at least have a reasonable point. We were discussing which software we wanted to use to process raw data and I think this takes TBC out of contention.
Starnet is an alternate adjustment package we use for the occasional odd type of adjustment that needs a little more schmoozing or refinement. TBC is kinda generic in its handling but pretty robust for everyday use. Each has their strengths. But Starnet is more versatile, IMHO.