I am am trying to show in profile view the elevation difference of top of pipe and the ground. The problem I am having is, I have a profile created from points of the pipe invert and a profile from ground shots. I do not have a profile for the top of pipe. Is there a way to offset a profile, or add an offset to the elevation difference in the draw profile menu?
I am using Carlson Survey OEM 2015
Thank you for any help
Probably a few different ways to handle this, and I am unsure which tools you have available to you in the OEM version.
One way to do this would be to draw your ground profile and invert profile, then use the AutoCAD command "OFFSET" to offset the invert profile to the top of the pipe. Then use the "Create profile from polyline on profile grid" command to create a Carlson profile from that new polyline.
EDIT: another method would be to go into the "Enter-Edit Profile" routine and open the invert profile. Under tools, there is a command to translate profile. There you can apply an even elevation boot to the profile.
The translate method worked perfectly, thank you very much!
"Offset 3D Polyline"
You can offset vertically and horizontally different amounts.
Let us say you have a 3D centerline profile, you can offset it 12' left and right and 0.5' down to create edge of pavement profiles. Offsetting a pipe profile is easy, but consider whether you want the inside top (+ diameter) or outside top (+ diameter + pipe thickness). You may also need outside bottom if your are analyzing pipe or other utility crossings.
Paul in PA
"Offset 3D Polyline"
Yes, also could draw 3D in plan view...so many ways to achieve what you need. I really like that flexibility about Carlson software.
"Offset 3D Polyline"
:good: :good:
"Offset 3D Polyline"
Can you explain the routine for offsetting 3D polyline please? I have converted the profile to a 3D polyline, but haven't found the option to offset vertically.
"Offset 3D Polyline"
Edit>3D Polyline Utilities>Offset 3D Polyline