OK - so what am I doing wrong when trying to print selected text?
So, I have a web page open and want to only print part of it. I select (hi-lite) what I want to print, right click, and select print.
The CHROME print wizard comes up and in the preview section it shows exactly what I want. Hit print and a blank page comes out.
Otherwise printing works just fine as long as I want to do the entire page.
Please help me figure out what I am doing wrong.
Hey Dave,
I tried what you are trying to do with the same results. I found you can resolve the problem this way:
1. Select/highlight area of the web page to be printed
2. Ctrl+P - (Select print) or right click, then "print"
3. Ctrl+Shift+P (or click the link at the bottom, of Print menu - "Print using system dialogue .."
4. On the "Page range" section - pick 'Selection" - Note: This option will be "greyed" out if you fail to highlight portion of the web page before proceeding on step 1 above.
Have a great week! B-)
Looks like you are not alone.
You'll see a link for reporting bugs in the postings.
I tried and had same problem, blank page.
Slightly off topic but here's where Google seems to be headed.
When "computers" are part of the plot on old TV shows or movies like Star Trek, Twilight Zone and others, I don't think I've ever seen a "mouse" as an interface device. Speaking is common, sometimes a keyboard or just turning some knobs and flipping some switches.
I've noticed already when I search for a celebrity in Chrome on my Nexus tablet, I'll often see a picture and a short bio appear first ahead of the search results.
Thank you. I'll give that a try.