Photos gathered on iPhone13pro with Pix4D catch and processed in Pix4Dmapper. 1952 Royal Quiet DeLuxe typewriter.?ÿ
How many images did it require?
It gathered 181 images automatically as I walked around the table.
Okay, now, put one on a selfie-stick and send it spinning down inside a sewer manhole.
It looks good but how efficiently can you extract usable data from it?
It looks good but how efficiently can you extract usable data from it?
surpringly fast and accurate. I did my deck, 20.45 feet tape measure is 20.62 feet in the model with no control. I would add control. Lighting is challenging too.
I don’t think it’s going to replace terrestrial Lidar but for filling in the aerial model it will be handy. Lidar will be more accurate and less noisy.