This is my setup. All is good, except the gray case holding the voltage regulator went bad. That's all I need to replace.
I bought several cigarette lighter auto adapters for the Magellan Map 330 and Meridian as it uses the same output voltage pin-out as the Promark2. They're fairly common.
But... while trying to ream out the hole for the antenna connector, I cut the power wires inside the GPS end of the plug - twice. used to make the Magellan GPS connector and I bought four. It requires soldering as it is just the bare shell and spring loaded contacts. I destroyed one experimenting. One is operating successfully after I made an aluminum backing to attach to the cradle to hold the connector in the proper position. I'll probably eventually put together at least one more. I searched Pfranc (pronounced Frank) but found only Garmin connectors so I guess we're out of luck. Perhaps Larry of Pfranc has some more or knows where to get them.
BTW, the auto adapter probably uses the same gray box shown in the picture. I have a MAP 330 that I used for experimenting - rather than blow up the Promark2 with an incorrect connection. It worked the first time, but I paid close attention to the pin orientation.
ebay Listing
This is the whole kit and kaboodle:
Use it all or cut out what you don't want. You must remove the center screw from the paddle. I have drilled one out without a problem.
I only saw one posted, they used to be listed by the dozens.
Paul in PA
ebay Listing
> I have drilled one out without a problem.
I have too, but you have to be careful; the embedded wires are very close to the hole.
> I only saw one posted, they used to be listed by the dozens.
The seller has more than 10 available, so now's the time to stock up!
ebay Listing
Anything special you did to keep from cutting the wires? Maybe I just had bad luck.
ebay Listing
Jules, I think I have a couple of those cables in you're interested. I probably soldered up that D-cell tray you have in the picture.