I have just got my new set of Parani SD1000 bluetooth radios and was wondering what the "Hardware Flow Control" dip switch should be set to. Currently I have it set to off and it works, but is this the best setting for my robot to data collector setup?
I have mine set to "off" as well and it works fine. The truth is, I've never paid much attention to the dip switches. They worked out of the box and I've never changed them.
Same here. I have never changed my settings.
I have noticed that the data transfer rate is a little slower than when I was using the Satel Radios. You really have to pay attention to make sure the data has updated on the screen when taking shots.
My setup is a Topcon GPT8005A robot, Parani SD1000 at the robot and data collector. I use a Ranger 200T and a Ranger 500X for my data collectors.
I hate the slower update rates, but the lighter rod is much better.
Good luck, I am sure you will like the new setup.
> Same here. I have never changed my settings.
> I have noticed that the data transfer rate is a little slower than when I was using the Satel Radios.
If you're using factory settings, you're transmitting at 9600 bps. I believe (not sure) that I'm running at 19,200 without problem. You might want to try changing the setting (on both units) to see if that works for you.
I've tried it set to on and off and never noticed a difference. It has something to do with how the radio handles being flooded with data.
Same here, didn't change any of the settings. But I had trouble with the null modem. Fix that and works great!!