I'm using a Leica CS15 controller with SmartWorx Viva (4.51) on thier SmartNet RTN. Leica is telling me I should upgrade the firmware on this unit (for $600).
Does anyone know what features/fixes the latest firmware update will provide me? I'm wondering if the upgrade is necessary or even useful...
Well, if they sought you out for their firmware flaws or short-comings that you have to pay $600 for, I would demand to know why - EXACTLY WHY.
The newest Leica Smartworx Viva release is 5.50. It is a major release, certainly not a "bug fix" version. I believe the release notes can be found on MyWorld.
Keep in mind that if you are using a Viva product, GS15 or 14, and so on you will have to make sure that piece is upgraded as well. Firmware must match to work correctly.