I’m trying to reactivate an HP48GX/SMI ver. 5.5 data collector. I can download coordinates ok, but I’d prefer to move the Hang, Vang, SlopeDist raw data to my Carlson Survey 2006. So far I haven’t had much luck getting raw data into Carlson and I don’t have a copy of the SMI TFR utility. I’ve tried Kermit, but so far I’ve not even been able to locate any of the actual data, neither coordinates nor raw, in the HP’s memory. The SMI TFR I did find on line doesn’t seem to actually be available. I’m open to all suggestions: getting Carlson to work, a source for the TFR, Kermit procedures or other ideas.
In Carlson select "Tools" pulldown
Select "Data Collectors"
Select "SMI"
Select "Download SMI"
There are 3 options, Kermit is built into Carlson.
I had to install new batteries in my data collector. Have not used it in a while. It downloaded 13 points and ran out of power. With new batteries it downloaded all 178 points. It has been almost 20 years since I last used Kermit.
Paul in PA
I've seen Kermit as an option in later versions, but my 2006 version does not offer Kermit. Kermit is built into the HP48GX, but I'm perplexed by my inability to look through the HP's memory and find any actual point data - even though I can see all the points in SMI mode. Consequently, I haven't figured out how to use Kermit to send data I can't even select.
When I click the Carlson download button and use the More-ToPC-Comm sequence in SMI, I do get coordinate data no problem. But, when I try the More-ToPC-RAW button no data ever gets thru and Carlson just times out. I know Edit/Process Raw File has a Tools option for creating an RW5 file from points, but you first have to manually key in a skeleton of point numbers in the correct sequence, which means almost as much work as keying the whole file from field notes. I see capturing the three raw angle and distance data as the primary reason for a data collector so I don't understand making raw data capture even an option in SMI.
Thanks for the input. Hope you have other ideas.
Use "Print" "Raw" Option
I have not gotten that "More" sequence to work either.
I have SMI version 7.1J, the last ever HP 48 version.
The "Print" "Raw" option creates a Carlson rw5 file. I did not see it last night as it was put in my Carlson Data folder, not the project folder where my point file went. The point file actually went directly to a crd.
Paul in PA