I have about 8000 photos that I've taken using SurvPC v5 on a Topcon FC 5000. All the GPS exif tags are wrong. I'd like to grab the lat long out of the RW5 file and write it back to the photos GPS exif tag. Can anyone help write a tool to do that?
I Think the ExifTool GUI will help you, but that will be a lot of manual work I guess.
See program about for a link to a forum.
Why do you need to write the info back into the photos, that's the hard part. Not all camera's write the GPS data in the same binary data. If possible I would deliver a Google Earth file with linked photos?ÿ with the good E,N from your RW5 and leave the originals as they are.
Let us know how you handle this, I'm interested in your solution.
With Pix4d, this can be done easier. Just create a CSV file of the correct coordinates. It is common method of processing PPK for drones. There's likely many other apps available.
I haven't checked to see if or how it writes the coordinates back to the jpg file. Seems like it should.
GeoJot+core has one of the best EXIF extractors ?ÿand writers out there. Load all the photos (keep to blocks of 1000 or so) which will pull anything from EXIF. Write out a csv. Then you could mass edit coordinates in excel, then overwrite coordinates by tagging with the modified csv. If photo names are unique point geojot ?ÿto the photo names. Great outputs and watermark capacity. about $300.?ÿ