Dear Lord- I promise to quit choking them when they start to turn blue, amen.
"They" never learn.
If only I could clone myself and pay my clones nothing I could rule the world!
I wondered where that guy I laid off 15 yrs ago went. He always was partial to Zappa, MT - the dental floss capital of the world. Last employee I ever had.
Now I'm not organized, I'm 'Floorganized'. I keep all my files stacked up neatly on the floor in some kind of order. Sadly, I know what is in each folder.
Yes, file management can be very tricky.
A company should have well documented support documentation (folders and files naming structures) for everyone involved with project data.
Structure does help.
(sarcasm light on)
(Ok, back to your regularly scheduled attemts to survey and discuss said survey of USA!)
I hope you did not take that personally. But to tell a surveyor to get organised is a little over the line, don't you think?
~ Nate:-)
I did not say such thing, you did! (...)
Have a good week-end, folks
Always filed under "M" for miscellaneous
I'll hoist one of those frosty's with there Georges. I could go for an ice cold Molson too (they don't sell it out here), since I can't seem to find my project folder. Maybe it's in my truck...
Oh yea, Nate. Do ya think you're in Canada or UK or OZ or something... organiZed doesn't have an "s" in it. Or at least it's not suppozed to...
Cheers :beer: