Has anyone had success using Leica Captivate for Fast Static observations?
After 3 failed attempts, I am looking for anyone else's working procedure.
(and the procedure outlined by Leica's own rep, also failed)
Has anyone had success in these matters?
have done it without a hitch, but it's been a while.
what seems to be the problem?
and for the record, i had a talk with a leica rep and have quit running static at all. he told me i could run 2x5 minute cooks on a point with a minimum of an hour spread and get results just as "good" as opus. i was fairly incredulous, but had a job at the time that was perfect to try it out on, and the time to do so. so i set 4 control points, none closer than about 2000', ran static on all of it. came back the next day and did the 2x5. then ran hard levels, had to adjust .02 or .03 out of the loop. ran traverse through them with the robot and had to adjust maybe .05 out.
haven't run FS or static since.
ed: (that's on the leica network, btw)
My working area is without cellular coverage in about 25%, so when I need fast static, I really have no other options (aside from traversing).
The problem is the following:
Day 1
Observe Fast static, for max number of 1000 positions with 11 satellites (works out to about 17 minutes at 1 pt /second) Leica Rep said that there was never any need to observe longer as Leica is so awesome, so many satellites in the Sky, etc, etc.
Submittal to Opus, fails due to noisy data, and longer observation time suggested. (incidently, I was able to store this RTK-VRS, as cellular popped up, right at the end of the session, so I sat on the point for 3 minutes).
Day 2
Observe a different point. Change the settings to 1 observation / 5 seconds, turn off auto store, turn off auto end, and run the session for 46 minutes. Bring back the data, and both sessions (day 1 and Day 2) are in a single Data file. Opus fails of course.
I am new to the Leica world, and openly admit that I am at fault. What I am looking for is a series of steps that can be put into a form that can be referenced every time I do Fast-Static observations. I expect to do them just often enough, that the steps are never really fresh in my mind.
yeah, i take for granted that we're in a really robust network/cell coverage area.
i'm trying to jog my memory on this- also had tons of problems getting opus solutions but eventually figured out if i submitted at, like, 5 a.m. i would usually be in luck.
but there was something about changing a file extension to make it work.
again, lemme dig around and see if i can find where i noted all this. will letcha know.