In carlson the text is set based on the setting in the general set up . If you over ride by changing the text height to something other than whats in the setup carlson will set it to 0 as you work.
The problem with using the carlson text (dtext) is that it requires two clicks . Dtext ask you to start the text , then it ask you a height , then ask you for rotation.
If you set the height yourself its one click to use text ..
What i am asking for is a new button menu that has all the leroy sizes , and the ability to set 3 or 4 different styles . So when you pick the button that style and size will be the current style . So one click. If you need and example look at a copy of microsurvey.
I made those buttons myself in AutoCAD/LDD. Can't you set up the text styles and make the button that launches the "one click text" in Carlson? Actally, I have mine set up as two clicks, one to click the text style, one to define the rotation.
Here's what's pasted into my button for L100. The first part sets the style to L100, the second part sets my layer to "2Text", the third part fires off the Dtext command, justification, centered.
^C^C(command "style" "l100" "" "" "" "" "" "" "") ^C^C^C^C(command"layer" "set" "2text" "") ^CDTEXT J C
I have 8 of these setup for various Leroy styles.
Carlson Standalone will not allow any lisp , Basically you can edit a button but its only one command allowed.
Yeah, you're right, I forgot that some versions of Carlson would not allow LISP like commands in the toolbar buttons.
You can recreate the old leroy fonts using the STYLE command. Only problem is that that syle will work for only one scale. You could create a separate style for each scale, but that would be tedious at best.(But then, that would be a one time thing though.)
All of my text heights are based on the old Leroy sizes, which were based on printer's point sizes. Back in the day. I used leroy mixed with strip film set text. Having the point sizes match the leroy sizes made life much easied. So, today, when I am messing around in Carlson, I have no problem with doing the math in my head. 1"=30' drawing, I want a Leroy 80 guide. 30 x 0.80 = 2.4 text height. No problem.
To me, Carlson is MUCH more flexible than my AutoCAD was. Given the text tools under EDIT and DRAW plus the "rotate by entity" command, I find Carlson text much easier and more robust than what LDD 2007 ever offered.
The answer is annotative text , so basically i can create one size and save all my setting in dwt file for the styles sizes i want and then Select the little ruler thingy and set it to my drawing scale . This works so far .
I would love to work with you for a few weeks to learn just a portion of your knowledge of Carlson.
I have been using CAD since 1992, and learn something new almost every day.
Well, if you ever get down towards Jackson, MS give me a call. I'd be more than glad to have you over to the house to show you anything I know. Or, maybe the Boss would let you come in and "observe" for a few days at our office.
I've offered free training assistance to 3 or 4 local guys, but have yet to get any replies. Deer season is coming on so I am sure they will be busy.;-)
Jimmy, I have been on CAD since 1988, before that it was negative engraving for me!! In all of that time my only BAD days were the days I did not learn something new. I'm 65 now and the day I quit learning will be the day they'll need to plant me for a long dirt nap.o.O
I normally do it the way you prescribed . But I did not want to create a style every time I started a new drawing.
Nope does not work , Carlson keeps reseting current text style height to 0 . this drives me nuts .
One final SWAG; under Settings/Carlson Cpnfigure/General Settings,do you have the "Save drawing INI files" checked? If not, check it, set your desired text height, close the drawing, reopen the drawing and see if the height is still set.
Its checked .
Appears that under carlson settings when you choose the text height scaler it wants to over ride your custom text styles . It should leave the custom text alone it appears to be a global setting .
Over the years I have just learned to live with this but on larger jobs this is a flippin pain in the arse.
Last gasp guess; go to windows explorer and find the ini file for your drawing. Erase it. Now reopen your drawing to create a new ini file. Sometimes they get corrupted.
Muust have LISP for Carlson LEROY sizes
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(setvar "userr5" 1)
(setvar "USERR4" (* 1 (getvar "DIMSCALE")))
(setq stname "L80")
(setq scl_fact (getvar "dimscale"))
(command "-style" "L80" "ic-simplex" (* 0.080 scl_fact) "1" "0" "n" "n" "n" )(princ)
(setvar "textstyle" stname)
(setvar "userr5" 1)
(setvar "USERR4" (* 1 (getvar "DIMSCALE")))
(setvar "luprec" 2)
(setq scl_fact (getvar "dimscale"))
(command "textstyle" "L80")
(setq stname (getvar "textstyle"))(princ)
(setvar "textsize" (* 0.080 scl_fact))
(setq stname (getvar "textstyle"))(princ)
(command "-style" "Standard" "ic-simplex" (* 1.000 1.000) "1" "0" "n" "n" "n")(princ)
(command "-style" "L10" "ic-simplex" (* 0.010 scl_fact) "1" "0" "n" "n" "n" )(princ)
(command "-style" "L20" "ic-simplex" (* 0.020 scl_fact) "1" "0" "n" "n" "n" )(princ)
(command "-style" "L30" "ic-simplex" (* 0.030 scl_fact) "1" "0" "n" "n" "n" )(princ)
(command "-style" "L40" "ic-simplex" (* 0.040 scl_fact) "1" "0" "n" "n" "n" )(princ)
(command "-style" "L50" "ic-simplex" (* 0.050 scl_fact) "1" "0" "n" "n" "n" )(princ)
(command "-style" "L60" "ic-simplex" (* 0.060 scl_fact) "1" "0" "n" "n" "n" )(princ)
(command "-style" "L100" "ic-simplex" (* 0.100 scl_fact) "1" "0" "n" "n" "n" )(princ)
(command "-style" "L120" "ic-simplex" (* 0.120 scl_fact) "1" "0" "n" "n" "n" )(princ)
(command "-style" "L140" "ic-simplex" (* 0.140 scl_fact) "1" "0" "n" "n" "n" )(princ)
(command "-style" "L200" "ic-simplex" (* 0.200 scl_fact) "1" "0" "n" "n" "n" )(princ)
(command "-style" "L400" "ic-simplex" (* 0.040 scl_fact) "1" "0" "n" "n" "n" )(princ)
(command "-style" "Line" "ic-simplex" (* 1.000 1.000) "1" "0" "n" "n" "n")(princ)
(command "-style" "PL100" "ic-simplex" (* 0.100 1.000) "1" "0" "n" "n" "n")(princ)
(command "-style" "PL120" "ic-simplex" (* 0.120 1.000) "1" "0" "n" "n" "n")(princ)
(command "-style" "PL140" "ic-simplex" (* 0.140 1.000) "1" "0" "n" "n" "n")(princ)
(command "-style" "PL200" "ic-simplex" (* 0.200 1.000) "1" "0" "n" "n" "n")(princ)
(command "-style" "PL80" "ic-simplex" (* 0.080 1.000) "1" "0" "n" "n" "n")(princ)
(setvar "textstyle" stname)
(setvar "cmdecho" 1)