I was curious if anyone has had experience of changing the default parameters of this window so every time you open it you do have to change the defaults again. For example, I want to keep my min. lot size at 10,000 sf, not 43,560 sf.....
I have tried looking in a few places but can't find anything.
I altered my drawing template so every time I open windows it loads the parameters I set in the DWT.
I haven't used the parcel layout command but I guess you could change it in your template just the same.
That works
I just altered my template drawing now it opens with a minimum of 10,000 sq ft
That works
I am on a student version, however I don't think that would change anything in this case.
Did you open the template you use, open the parcel viewer, and change it there? Save, and then open new drawing and insert template?
That works
I have a template set up as the default template that automatically loads when I open the program and opens as drawing1.dwg
I have my template named gilesblock.dwt just to make it easier to find when I want to alter it.
If you aren't set up like that you can link a default template to load in preferences. Type in preferences it will bring up options. Then open files, go to template settings and show acad the location of your template under 'default template file name for qnew'
Now each time you open autocad it will automatically open your template with all the changes you made.
That is how I am set up I am sure there are other ways to do it but it's what I found to work best for me.
I'm using c3d 2012 but the set up is basically the same as it has been since the earliest autocad I've used which was Release 14.
That works
Yeah I guess I could have read your question better. Yes I opened the template and changed it there. It took a couple tries to get it to keep the change. I had to click on the create parcel icon then close it out for the changes to take.
That works
Thanks for reposting, I kept trying what you did and it wouldnt stick. After more research I found the setting in the prospector tab. Thought I went through it all earlier but missed it. Here is a picture of where it is.
ToolspaceSettings TabParcelCommandsCreateParcelByLayout
-Right click for command settings
-GO to Parcel Sizing, and there it is!
PS. Thanks for the .dwt explanation. I didn't think about setting the default .dwt i options. That saves a lot of time.