Number one Granddaughter was born yesterday. 5 lbs., 5 oz., 18 inches long, lots of black hair. With 5 Grandsons, she'll make it an even match. With my 5 sons, it was an even match with my oldest daughter ... when daughter #2 came along, the 5 sons were outmatched. They never had a chance after that.
Aurora Marie is the lady's name.
Comes home tomorrow with Momma & Daddy.
Wow. Nothing like a new baby.
God bless her.
New babies are great.
And it's a grandbaby!
My 2 brothers, me and 1 sister produced 7 granddaughters before the first grandson came along.
Congratulations Grandfather.. I currently have 4 granddaughters and 1 grandson
I'm the end of the kids....just my dogs ..can only imagine....congrats..
:clap: :good: :love: :party: :cake: :girl: Congratulations, Grandpa Cliff!!! :girl: :cake: :party: :love: :good: :clap:
Definitely a joyous occasion to celebrate!!! :love:
Congrats to you Professor Cliff.
> Number one Granddaughter was born yesterday. 5 lbs., 5 oz., 18 inches long, lots of black hair. With 5 Grandsons, she'll make it an even match. With my 5 sons, it was an even match with my oldest daughter ... when daughter #2 came along, the 5 sons were outmatched. They never had a chance after that.
> Aurora Marie is the lady's name.
> Comes home tomorrow with Momma & Daddy.
Congratulations Cliff, your new granddaughter has an unusual and beautiful name.
Truly something to be thankful for. Congratulations.
What A Great Thanksgiving Gift
You understand how this will affect your waistline. Every few years after all that turkey, apple pie and pumpkin pie you now have to add birthday cake.
Hopefully they live close enough that you "have" to babysit regularly.
Paul in PA
God Bless and Keep your family!
all the best,
2 Daughters 4 Grand daughters, 1 Grand Son....
The only thing he can do is Pray....
Baton Rouge, Surveyed there 17 Year's....
> Aurora Marie is the lady's name.
Hey, how did sh get tagged with a hippie name like Aurora.
Congrats to all particularly the mom.
I am told that the Daddy picked her name. He's a chef.
I meant to put one of those smiley doodads in the above post.
Well. at least he didn't name her Roux 🙂
My niece is getting married tomorrow. The are both LSU grads and living in Houston.. He in ME and is working for Cameron and she in marketing and is looking for work.
Rehearsal diner tonight at the old Bechac's on the Mandeville lakefront. I haven't been there since the old days. It was sold after Katrina and is now called the Lake House.
The building was built by Bernard de Marigny in the 1830s.