Publisher's Clearinghouse called earlier.?ÿ From somewhere deep in the mountains of Pakistan, I assume, based on the accent.?ÿ Kept trying to get me to say "Yes".?ÿ They will be here sometime on Friday to deliver the $7.5 million.?ÿ But, first.....................I must have proof of who I am and a gift card purchased at my local pharmacy or Walmart or anywhere that sells them.
The first round of beer for everyone here is on me once the dollars are credited to my account.
Conrqatulations! Did they tell you that "Mr. Et MtMann" would be delivering the check in person? I'm sure this means you'll be interested in posting most of your hardware and instruments on the Fundraiser forum for us less fortunate.
That would have made it VERY obvious that I wasn't going to get my money.
I live in an over 55 community, was in the grocery store the other day and there was a lady that appeared to be somewhat older than me buying several gift cards for a large amount. The person behind the counter was asking her if she was absolutely sure that it was for a family member and explained how scammers try to separate you from your money. Glad they are keeping an eye out for this and trying to protect people from themselves.
I never win any money but every day lately I've won a drill, a blender, a cook set, a generator, a flashlight that will shine up the rings of Saturn, an arc welder, an iPhone 17, and a 10 carat necklace of genuine emeralds from Boliva. All were authentic because they had the correct logo of the company they represented. I'll let y'all know how things work out.