Oldest daughter, Leann and her family were at our house when I got home today. I went in and greeted them as usual. Leann said to Aiden (8yo grandson) "Tell Pa what you got today". He said " Oh yeah, ah.... ah..... Mama bought me a Playboy!" Leann's face was beet red as she corrected him "Aiden, it's GAME boy, not playboy!"
Poor kid couldn't understand what was so funny.
Oldest daughter, Leann and her family were at our house when I got home today. I went in and greeted them as usual. Leann said to Aiden (8yo grandson) "Tell Pa what you got today". He said " Oh yeah, ah.... ah..... Mama bought me a Playboy!" Leann's face was beet red as she corrected him "Aiden, it's GAME boy, not playboy!"
Poor kid couldn't understand what was so funny.
Our 8 year old grandson used his birthday money to buy a Lego X-wing and Tie fighter (Star Wars).?ÿ We built those. After a few weeks they got dismantled and turned into dinasoars.?ÿ Kid is creative.
We got by baking mud pies and chasing a keg hoop with a stick.?ÿ Somehow survived to become an exalted example of professionalism, anyway.
Our 8 year old grandson used his birthday money to buy a Lego X-wing and Tie fighter (Star Wars).?ÿ We built those. After a few weeks they got dismantled and turned into dinasoars.?ÿ Kid is creative.
Yes, grandchildren are very creative.....especially when they ??forget? a Lego or 2 and you step on them at 3 am while up to pee?? ?????ÿ
keg hoop with a stick
We just had a stick
We got by baking mud pies and chasing a keg hoop with a stick.?ÿ
Why on gods green earth would you waste time on "mud pies" when you are surrounded by cow pattie pies? ?????ÿ
It's pie time!
and chasing a keg hoop with a stick
Some of the guys in my mother's generation (born 1920's to early 30's) had hoop and tender (laths making a cross), and demonstrated one time at a family reunion. Even at 80+ a couple of them were good at doing tricks with them.?ÿ I've never seen anyone younger serious about it.
Surprisingly, a search doesn't return much about that. I figured there would be some YouTubes. It seems to be a lost art.
That is precisely what I was referring to.?ÿ Never heard that name applied to it, though.
Had a cylindrical box of Lincoln Logs.?ÿ Came with a little paper certificate signed by Abe, himself.?ÿ Came with a little axe and a whetstone to keep it sharp.
My hoop was too small to do much more than try to keep it rolling.?ÿ It was metal and somewhat heavy as I recall.