Will there ever be a time we stop doing this #$@ !???
Could you just go ahead and wake up an hour earlier and leave everyone else alone ? Thank you kindly.
My wife & I were discussing this earlier today. How much gas, electricity, lives,
etc. are really saved by the time change?
Why not just leave things alone and keep standard time year round.
> Why not just leave things alone and keep standard time year round.
Because we would all probably eventually perish due to dead batteries in our smoke detectors...:pinch:
Seriously, I agree it's all a bunch of bull hockey.
Railroad Time
Historical footnote: Once upon a time in towns and cities the local clocks were set to read 12 o'clock when solar noon was expected to arrive. Then the railroads got into the act and it was all downhill from there. November 18, 1883 was when Railroad Time got a death grip on the United States. :>
"My wife & I were discussing this earlier today. How much gas, electricity, lives,
etc. are really saved by the time change?"
That's an aspect of the argument i had never considered. In my mind, and trying to understand it from the rarified perspective of TPTB, making hay while the sun is shining appears to be a wash when you consider your sidereal days are naturally growing longer after December 25, and are equally split either side of local noon. Daylight savings seems to be as much a remedy as leaving early to make up for getting there late, or FDR moving Thanksgiving forward one week to appease retailers looking for more christmas shopping revenue.
Sorry, but I like it.
Railroad Time & Sir Sandford Fleming, a Scottish Surveyor
One of our fellow genetic countrymen:
Try explaining daylight savings time to a bunch of dairy cows.
Dairy cows have more common sense than the average legislative body....
Sorry, but I like it.
Any idea why ?
Dairy cows have more common sense than the average legislative body....
Daylight Savings Time mess up my life twice a year, when it begins and when it ends.
Pick one and move on already.
The Origins of Clan Fleming
I'm sure that this is well known in the Dominion, but many in the US will be perhaps surprised to learn that everyone with the surname Fleming is a descendant of the original Fleming who founded the eponymous hamlet of Fleming, Saskatchewan.
While there are Scottish citizens with the surname Fleming, it turns out that most if not all of them are the decendants of Canadian Flemings who intended to emigrate to Texas, but ended up on the wrong ship.
Little known fact.
I'm hoping that extra hour of daylight at the end of the day will finally warm thing up a bit. I'm getting tired of winter.
I just like the fact the days are light late into the evening.
The Origins of Clan Fleming
.........and as well he was 'in to' stamps ....
Back when the Association of Ontario Land Surveyors made it mandatory to have a university degree in surveying to be articled (1970ish), I suggested that there be a single Ontario School of Surveying where all types of measurement were to be on the curriculum so as to build both technical and professional avenues following a model of the RICS.
This would assure those of long practice, who did not have 'pink knees' they would be 'grandparented' for a few years in their areas of professional expertise.
Didn't happen.
Today, in Ontario, we have two universities, York and Ryerson with challenged enrollment figures.
Take a look at what their syllabus entails as 'tack ons' in an engineering school:
Two years ago I sat beside three third year students in the 'surveying option'.
Good, pleasant persons who wanted to be cadastral surveyors but, had only read about cadastral surveying, never ever having done any in practice mode it seemed.
Too much geo whatzits leads to Pogo's, 'I've seen the enemy ..........":
https://www.google.ca/search?q=al+capp+ i've+seen+the+enemy+and+it+is+us+pogo+cartoon&newwindow=1&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=lxr-VN2DOOPZsASHqoLYDg&ved=0CEUQsAQ&biw=1024&bih=620#imgdii=_&imgrc=kJ-HGa3288FIsM%253A%3BFyqqPsY7MD5KEM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fsubversiveinfluence.com%252Fimages%252Fblogposts%252Fpogo-enemy.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fsubversiveinfluence.com%252F2007%252F09%252Fthe-rattling-of-swords-grows-loud-in-my-ears%252F%3B434%3B256
Fortunately, we have Fleming College http://flemingcollege.ca/ but no opportunity to gain articling positions.
If it could be THE school with proper accreditation .......................
sfreshwaters, post: 306884, member: 88 wrote: Why not just leave things alone and keep standard time year round.
Joe the Surveyor, post: 306930, member: 118 wrote: Sorry, but I like it.
Why not just Spring Forward and never Fall Back?
Who cares if it stays dark longer during the winter; I'll just sleep in...
We are all insane. Six months of each might be fine. Eight months is ridiculous. Why should we be "abnormal" for longer than "normal"?