My government teacher in high school told me once that he must have been educating the wrong end of my body because I sure was a smarta**.
Are you one, also?
Prove it!
I've forgotten more than I'll ever know.
it is not hard to be a smartass when you live in a world full of dumbasses.
I saw a guy the other day, that had on a T shirt that said: "You can't fix stupid"
And, I remarked to the guy that was with me, "Yeah, but many stupid people have been FIXED".
Insert whichever two words you wish into the following sentence to make it into a very terrible thing to ask someone you don't know.......................
Does your mother know you ____ ______?
Ask this quickly, so that if you have done a really good job of flustering the other person, they will be in trouble no matter how they answer the question.
My wife came in from work the other day, dog tired. She sat down in the big chair and stuck her leg out toward me.
"Would you pull my boots off please?", she asked in her 'sweetie' voice.
"I don't have your boots on" was my "Educated Sphincter" reply.
ps - (btw, i did pull her boots off for her.):snarky:
Did you comply after receiving one of those boots up-side your head, or did she have to use both feet first?
> My government teacher in high school told me once that he must have been educating the wrong end of my body because I sure was a smarta**.
> Are you one, also?
> Prove it!
I thought this would be about musical tooting.
I.E., "Beans, beans, that musical fruit. The more you eat the more you toot!"
Boy, did I guess wrong!:excruciating:
You poor thing, you must have been sheltered from real society during adolescence 😉
It’s supposed to go:
“Beans, Beans there good for your heart, the more you eat the more you fart,
The more you fart the better you feel, so eat beans for every meal.”
Have a great weekend!