Do any of you find Adobe Acrobat Pro and other Adobe applications are not as stable as they should be?
Yes, I have found that when they do not act properly it is time to close all programs, clear the history and other garbage and restart my computer.
No, it’s not just you. Almost every time I access the internet (via Firefox) Adobe wants to update itself.
And, on numerous occasions while using Acrobat the computer crashes and reboots itself. I probably have some virus, Trojan etc.
Have a great week!
No, Adobe is a program that is known for just those sort of problems.
I have a new computer and have used Adobe as seldom as possible-so far so good.
But, I expect that at any time it will blow up.
same here FL/GA
It constantly wants to update itself. Probably a couple times a week at least that I see.
same here FL/GA
I've been using Acrobat Professional v7.0 for some years now, and it's been remarkably stable for me. That's a very good thing, as I use it pretty much daily.
Lately I've been having an issue with an update that doesn't seem to take, despite several efforts at applying the update. This might be the result of upgrading Norton Antivirus from v2010 to v2011, as the problem arose at about the same time as the Norton upgrade. My workaround has been to ignore the Acrobat update, something I don't like to do.