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LOST - Carlson Surveyor+ Data Collector - Houston, TX

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Posts: 61
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On November 30, 2016, the crew I was on "lost" a Carlson Surveyor+ Data Collector on a job site.

We remember bringing it back to the truck, but nobody knows if it made it into the truck or not. We are thinking that it was set on the bumper and fell off somewhere on the drive back to the office, or it was left on the ground.

We are trying to cast a net out over the Surveying community (this forum, local supply shops) hoping that someone found it and is trying to sell it. We will keep our eyes open on internet sites like Craigslist, eBay, amazon, Facebook, etc,. We are also talking to local pawn shops.

If you happen to read this, see one for sale, and connect those dots, please contact me. I'm beyond embarrassed and my boss is understandably pissed.

DC lost + a days work lost != a merry christmas.

I will post the serial number hopefully tomorrow when my boss recovers that information.

Posted : December 1, 2016 3:56 pm
Posts: 2958

I'd suggest reporting it stolen. That way the cops will be keeping an eye out for it as well.

Picking something up in the road that is not yours and failing to turn it in is defined as theft. Most would define it as a "find".

Posted : December 1, 2016 5:11 pm