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Recovering rocket engineer

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Hi, my name is Steve.?ÿ I'm a recovering rocket engineer.?ÿ That career went <poof> in 2010.?ÿ I learned to survey in high school when I was hired by my hometown's municipal engineering department.?ÿ I started as the chainman / rodman and as a drafter.?ÿ This was around 1980ish -- AutoCAD wasn't a think just yet.?ÿ The department had a four post transit and a level (don't even think it was an auto level).?ÿ We did mostly drainage improvements, but started a road reconstruction program to rebuild the old New England oil & tar country roads into a modern bituminous road with proper catch basins etc.

After my layoff in 2010, I put myself through a local law enforcement academy.?ÿ While I wasn't hired as a full time peace officer (Colorado term), I met a surveyor while volunteering as a Reserve Police officer in a local community.?ÿ A couple months later he called to ask if I was interested in some part time work.?ÿ And that was that.?ÿ A year or so later I discovered survey equipment on eBay (dangerous combination), and started acquiring some gear.?ÿ Now I find myself running my own company providing field services and drafting to local surveyors.

I'm presently running a Leica TCRP1203, GS14 RTK, GPS1230 GNSS base, with a CS15 data collector.

Posted : October 15, 2019 8:28 pm
Posts: 8761

Howdy Steve and welcome ???ÿ?ÿ

Yes, that is a dangerous combination.....

Posted : October 15, 2019 10:03 pm
Posts: 25369

Dang!?ÿ Never met a living, breathing rocket engineer before.?ÿ Don't recall ever seeing that option on the PE licensing opportunities.

Welcome to the world's absolute best resource for everything related to the land surveying profession.?ÿ Ask, and ye shall receive.?ÿ There may be some rough riding at times because some of us get a bit tough if we suspect a lack of sincerity towards this field.?ÿ Get settled in and then try to give as much as you take.

Posted : October 16, 2019 12:03 am
Posts: 7403

Hello Steve, welcome to the only site with answers to everything about surveying. Jump right in! ?????ÿ

Posted : October 16, 2019 8:15 am