Does anyone know of a tutorial that can walk me through creating linework in the field while collecting data?
It follows the field genius style where the numbers are used to identify which line is what and begin ddrawing. Are you going to export the linework or are you going to export into the various format? Overall, I find it clunky to use
i don't like it either. I bought magnet field because of this feature but it is cumbersome.
I tested fieldgenius which works better but they have not yet the possibility to do hybrid measuring which i like a lot about magnet field. The cad feature on the other hand is excellent in Survce. Too bad that there isn't a combination.
I stick with old school coding for the time being.
The company I work for wants the linework done in the field but I'm in a satellite office and don't have anyone to walk me though how to create it. I really need to find a step by step on how to create these lines.
Not too difficult. Try it in simulation mode. Label the code such as EP, then an index box will show up. Select 1 for this linesting. Also a control list such as Begin Curve, End Curve, Close, etc. If you what to run a new EP on say the other side of road, the use EP with index 2.
When you export the data you will need to select a style that suites your CAD/COGO application.