Love the new icon background. Good job!
Thanks! I was going to do it earlier but I had an appointment.
Looking at how your avatar has changed made me think you may need to go see your doctor again.
And yes, the flag is way cool.
You don't recognize the avatar? That's the featured character in ZZ Top's "TV Dinners" music video. 🙂
That is a nice icon change. Is if for holidays only? Or is it staying for long term?
If long term, it indicates a site for US-based surveyors to connect. But what about the rest of the world’s surveyors? Does it limit the global realm that could be attracted to this site?
You could update the icon regularly, just as Google does on their search page…
Hey Wendell, while we’re on the site issue topic…
Have you considered loading the Advertisement before the threads?
When I arrive at the site and quickly pick the first thread shown, the advertisement is loading and pushes the threads down, thus the pick misses the thread, forcing me to have to go slightly lower and pick the thread again.
This happen to anybody else?
It happens even when returning back to the main page from a thread.
If loading the advertisement slows the site down significantly, then don’t worry about a change - It wouldn’t be worth it.
God Bless America
As always Wendell, Thank You.
Same here.
Holidays only. 🙂
The content loads first since it is more important. 🙂
I'll see if I can make a slight adjustment that would not cause the jump.
How dat? The ad area has a fixed height now, so even before the ad shows up, the height should be reserved and thus, the content won't shift vertically. It seems to be working for me in Firefox and IE.
That's it!!! Thanks... Good way to resolve the issue.
Wow, it even performs well on the thread pages also! Nice work, sir!
Wendell - Users Indexing
Hey, Wendell! It's not as if you don't have anything else to do...
The USERS page, seems hindered.
One has to guess at selecting a few pages down to arrive at a username (say E, S...).
How do we get to a user's info without guessing or paging thru...?
Instead of a page-related selection set, could you implement an alpha-related selection. And allow us to select the alpha letters (instead of the pages).
Thanks again for this site!
Wendell - Users Indexing
Use the search bar right above the list of users. Or just click on the user's name in a thread. 🙂
Wendell - Users Indexing
using the search bar...
If I enter an E (say for epoch), the results indicate all names that have an E in them. Epoch doesn't even show up on the first screen.
The suggestion is to replace the page indexing, on the upper right of the screen, with an alpha selection to get all names that start with the letter picked...
Senor Wen-dell
When I went to top a minute ago the same thing happened. It came up without the ad. I almost clicked on Paul in PA's football thread, then POOF!, there was the ad precisely where I went to click. IE user.
Tried it again. I counted to four before the ad appeared.
And, congrats on a good job with the flag background for Veterans Day.
Wendell - Users Indexing
Any consideration to the alpha index instead of pages?
The page indexing is useless.
Also, what does the REFRESH option accomplish (on the main forum page)?
When I hit refresh, the page updates, but all the previously viewed (magenta) threads and posts are refreshed, but all threads and posts RESET to non-read (blue).
Refresh seems to indicate that the page would update with any new posts, since the last time viewed. (Not a total RESET of the viewed posts).
That worked. Awesome. How's that for service. Thanks W.
Wendell - Users Indexing
> Any consideration to the alpha index instead of pages?
> The page indexing is useless.
Hmmm, good point.
> Refresh seems to indicate that the page would update with any new posts, since the last time viewed.
That's what it is supposed to do and works properly for me, but that doesn't mean it's working like it should. Testing in Firefox and IE here and I can't seem to replicate the problem. Is it possible you have any utilities or software running that could cause that (just a shot in the dark)?
Wendell - Users Indexing
Just tried Refresh again at the main page. It resets the magenta post to all blue.
Running IE8. No real other addins.