This site literally survives on advertising dollars and generous donations from our users.
Please do not post blatant advertisements or links to your products or website here without our consent. If you'd like to advertise with us, please visit the Advertise page for details.
There are several compelling reasons why we don't allow blatant advertising:
- It's against the rules (second item on the list).
- It's against the Terms of Use (see the Your Conduct section, item d) that everyone agrees upon when registering a new user account here.
- Advertising helps cover our costs of operation, including hosting, design, maintenance, moderation, prize packages, etc.
- It's disrespectful of the advertisers that do actually pay us for advertising.
Thank you for understanding.
Makes sense.
Nicely put.
> Nicely put.
My first reaction when I read the "reasons" was that the first and second ones were basically saying "because I said so". The latter two are the real reasons.
But after further contemplation, I think "I said so" (or "it's against the rules") might be exactly the reason for some people who just blatently ignore the rules and don't respect the ones paying for their ads.
I totally agree, if I were paying for some advertising, I would get offended if others were able to advertise for free.
Okay I will refrain from mentioning my new invention the Reverse Angulator which you can purchase for 49.95 on my website,
Does it come with steak knives, Dave?
No, but I suspect that it comes with your choice of a free realtor, or a 2 pack of engineers! (O Gawd!)