To reach 12345.
Make that 119
Only 25 more threads needed
to hit 1234
Only 33 more registered folk needed
to hit 500
Check your percentage
If you go to the stats for individuals here, you can find the percentage of all posts that are attributable to that individual. Kent has 6.8% of all the post. Dave Karoly has 3.1% and I have 2.0%.
Come on everybody! Get with the program! These percentages are ridiculous. As only 1 out of 467 registered folk, none of us should have 1%. Wendell at 4.4% and Angel at 4.1% makes some sense as they moderate what's happening. This means the 5 people named represent over 1/5th of all posts. I think I need to go on vacation.
H. Cow
Now don't pretend you haven't visited the stats page. You sit there all smug at the #9 slot and reply to yourself 4 times and think you can solidify your position while I sit back and watch at #10. Well, I can keep posting irrelevant boring stuff about cars my parents owned all night without breaking a sweat. Just watch me.
H. Cow
I hope you didn't think I was serious. My computer locked up for a bit there.
H. Cow
I really wasn't.
H. Cow
I swear.
Holy Cow...
Holy Cow,
You are a great cow, and I mean that, but...
are you really holy?
and how do you type your posts with those hooves?
You're really freaking me out right now, man. I mean, cow?
Holy Cow...
I use a realllllllllllllllllllllllllllly big keyboard.
I'm sorry I didn't think to add you into the stats, Mr. Gardner. I did not mean to exclude you, or anyone else actually.
And now, the truth. I had not looked at the stats board until about 5 minutes ago. But, now that I have, I see I'm about 4 posts ahead of Mr. Gardner and now tied with Gunter Chain for #8.
I don't see that as being a good thing. We need more people actually communicating on here.
1960s Chrysler 300
My father-in-law told me when he was on the CHP in the 1960s his cruiser was a Chrysler 300.
He said nothing could outrun him.
He said one time he was gaining on a Corvette at over 100 when he blew a tire. He said that really made him mad losing that Corvette.
Holy Cow...
Well, we know my cousin Kent is a blab-o-matic so that's no surprise, and Wendell and Angel are like the proud parents of the site, but the bottom 7 of the top 10 are not exactly Chatty Cathys and yet we are the top ten out of what, 400 and something members and countless guests? Maybe it's time for my vacation too if I'm thinking about this so hard.
H. Cow
The cat did it. :cat:
Holy Cow...
For the record, there are a lot of lurkers. I think you will find that to be quite true with any message board. They wait for a thread they feel compelled to respond to or they simply just like reading the latest threads.
Also figure in that we've only been online for around 45 days, so it's easy for the numbers to sway one way or another. Given a solid amount of time, I think we'll see the numbers gradually adjust.
Maybe I should just remove the stats page. 😛
I was just kidding around because I was surprised to be in the top 10 of anything involving communicating. I'll be gone for a couple of days now so it was fun while it lasted.
No hard feelings here. 🙂