Trying to process static data from a hiper 2 and from a hiper Ga in Spectra Survey office (basically trimble business center) without import errors.
Rinex file is missing reciever info like antenna type, serial number, and reciever make/model causing issue. I can edit in import, but no pulldown for the antenna serial # for topcon, or for the hiper 2 reciever type (used a hiper V for it so far) Tried Toplink, Topcon tools, and Magnet to create rinex 2 files with same result.
CORS rinex has all this data embedded.
Any better ideas for rinex conversion or where to go look forthe antenna serial number for these units? Don't see it in NGS absolute antenna files.
I have not ventured into TeqQC yet, just amazed these guys can't get along without so many hoops. Hope I'm just missing something simple. Thanks
I was going to suggest an old copy of TPS2RIN, but just looked at some files I converted using version 7.12 and not much in the header. There might be switches you can use on the command line (this is a DOS utility) to extract that info or it may simply not be in the TPS files and manual edit is the work around? I use Leica and NovAtel software and you can read in any RINEX files regardless of header info and edit that info later, but sounds like you need the header info with TBC to avoid errors?