I recently purchased 3-PM2 units and just used them on a project this weekend. Now, I'm having trouble getting the data processed. When I compute VRS, it successfully downloads raw data files from 3 stations, but then freezes up when it tries to download the data, so I can't process the data. This is my first time processing GPS data, so I am definitely not a guru, but I watched Mark Silver's tutorial on youtube and followed what he did exactly, but GNSS Solutions is locking up every time. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you in advance!
Also, I tried converting the raw file using a Rinex converter and sending it to OPUS for a solution and got this reply immediately from OPUS:
FILE: s1142980.20o OP1603728499132
?ÿ9011?ÿ?ÿ OPUS could not process the data file that was submitted.?ÿ The data was
?ÿ9011?ÿ?ÿ either very noisy or it was collected in kinematic mode.Or OPUS software
?ÿ9011?ÿ?ÿ has issue during this time, please reupload later.
Getting frustrated...
the vrs function is dead from the last rollover, process each point separately then combine for final adjustment, you can not submit L1 data only to OPUS
I am trying to process 1 point at a time. It's locking up....every tutorial I have seen uses the "compute VRS" tool. It looks like I need a basic "how-to" on processing a single point using static data collected.
Process First.?ÿ ?ÿ ?ÿ ?ÿ ?ÿ End.?ÿ ?ÿ ?ÿ ?ÿ Close.?ÿ ?ÿ ?ÿ ?ÿOpen.?ÿ ?ÿ ?ÿ ?ÿ ?ÿ Process Next.?ÿ ?ÿ ?ÿ ?ÿContinue As Required.
So....getting rid of the bad data is what I'm having trouble with. When I'm in the "Occupations" tab and I view the signal to noise chart, it shows a lot of areas where there was a "loss of lock" or "possible loss of lock", but I don't understand how to filter out the bad data. In the guide for the software, it shows an option to "mask" but that option doesn't show up. I assume I need to manually delete some of the bad data and there's not just a button that does it for me. I don't anything that processes the data with 1 click. Right now, it shows the status as "Estimated"...I need some guidance on how to "Process" one point. The guide for GNSS Solutions seems to be lacking, although, it very well may be my lack of experience processing static raw data files.
Don't try to tie your stuff to a coordinate station or system. Your static system works great within itself, not so well in the global world. Just process YOUR points, the numbers may look stupid, but the relationship between each other will be really good. If you go back to the field, reoccupy two of the same points you occupied the first time.
If all I do is import 1 point file and do a survey report, record the coordinate for that point and repeat for each point, there is 3.5' of error from the observation I made with my total station. There has to be more that I'm not doing. I assume just importing a single point is not also processing it's precise location without some amount of more detailed processing.
you are pulling in your nearest cors to use for a control station right? and using the published coords for it?
I believe I got it going now. Thanks for the replies. If something comes up, I'll be sure and ask.