Might be a good deal, ebay.... http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=200579652039&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT
I wonder what that guy needed the survey equipment for? Certainly not to produce his 3 cabinets worth of mortgage surveys.
Are the cabinets worth more than the plats?
Does a 100' rag tape come with it?
The legs need tightening? If he can't do that I wonder if the station ever went in for cleaning/calibration...
Florida doesn't officially have "mortgage surveys" ... like the type I hear about in other states where you just have to show whether or not the building is on the property, give or take a few feet. Florida MTS doesn't recognize the term "mortgage survey". What some here call "mortgage surveys" are really "boundary surveys", where you're supposed to do a complete boundary retracement, set missing corners, and stand behind it. Now, there are MANY crappy "boundary surveys" done in Florida by some seriously negligent jacklegs. But, I think most surveyors around here generally do a good job. I guess my point is, don't assume that just because he calls them "mortgage surveys" that it's crap. They could be quality work, it depends on the surveyor.
You're thinking of "mortgage inspection certificates".
A mortgage survey is a boundary survey with improvement locations.
Carry on.