Ran across this auction that may be of interest to some:
A couple of T2s and some other survey gear...
I guess they still make face replacements for Lenker Rods. If you like Lenkers, that's a good place to nab a dozen or so.
A guy gave me a Lenker rod that his father-in-law thought looked interesting and rescued from being discarded.
It's old, but in looking it over I find an appalling amount of scale movement when you extend and retract the upper section, and can't see that the clamping mechanism would ever have been really stable. Maybe good enough for dirt work, but not much else.
In good condition there is no scale movement. The one you examined did not need rescue, it was done.
I would love to have a T16. I used one of those in college. I would love to have one of the T2's as well.
I wish I was closer. I would bid on them. I am about 12 hours away.
The rod extenstions would come in handy.