for those that use WordPress this may be important to read
Wow, lots of drama and panicking going on in that article for something that can easily be disabled and replaced with a traditional editor. There is a large community that will make something work via plugins, which has always been the case when the WP team made other unpopular decisions.
perhaps the best part of the article and very true
"Moreover, there's a bigger problem here. While most of the content is consumed on the mobile, most of the content is created on the desktop. It makes sense. The desktop is an infinitely superior platform for writing and image processing. The full keyboard + mouse combo and the multi-application usability beat all and any touch solution"
I used Wordpress for some non-business sites for many years, and continue to do so. However, I've been moving away from these systems for some time and the latest version is only going to use html, php and a touch of Javascript. The main reason for this is, although tedious code, problems can be more easily resolved and dependence on plugin dev's doesn't exist. My last business website is now 5 years old, good Google friendliness and provided results. Unfortunately I didn't make it very mobile friendly as it wasn't priority.
There are plenty of templates for mobile responsiveness that can be tweaked and although frustrating at times, once the main elements are done, it's fairly easy after that. I use NotePad++ as an editor (with FTP built in if you fiddle for a few seconds) and it's marvellous.
Just my 2 pence.