1. Granddaughter (7.5 years old) arrives for a 10 day stay. She is a loveable, sweet, compassionate, very intelligent, hyperactive, clumsy prone, eating machine. But I love her dearly. (Thank you whoever manufactures Xanax)
2. See on Beerleg Thadd is going to be in town. We try to meet for a beer. No success.
3. See on Beerleg Thadd is going to be in town. We try to meet for a beer again, but before this doesn’t occur, my Mother in law decides it’s time to break her wrist while trying to catch her lighter after lighting a cigarette. (She is 88)
4. Have to cancel beer appointment so as to transport “Grandma” to the local orthopedist. So on the way I suggested we visit the Veterinarian’s office (Well, it was on the way, and they do have x-ray machines and cast capabilities and might be less costly. The response I received from SWMBO and “Grandma” lasted too long and contained too many expletives to regurgitate here).
5. One of the A/C’s decided it was time to blow itself into oblivion and did so dramatically.
6. However, I’m still vertical (unless horizontal) and that’s good enough for me.
7. Clouds so swift, the rain won't lift
8. Gates won't close, the railing's froze.
9. So get your mind off wintertime,
10.You ain't going nowhere.
Y’all can figger out 7 thru 10 yerself!;-)
Bob sure was a word-smith. Winter seems like a far off season right now with 85+ weather. Enjoy your granddaughter while you can. Soon they get all grown-up like. Hope "Grandma" heals quickly and easy on the pain. Those cigs ARE bad for you!
Did Don catch up with you? He was in town over the weekend. I hope you have a better next week.
"6. However, I’m still vertical (unless horizontal) and that’s good enough for me."
If it doesn't matter to you which one, you have definitely achieved enlightenment.
It wasn't you that pee'ed on my front tire was it? 😉
Ain't heard from Don. 🙁
> "6. However, I’m still vertical (unless horizontal) and that’s good enough for me."
> If it doesn't matter to you which one, you have definitely achieved enlightenment.
> 🙂
> Don
Ah, that would have been a good one. But I would have peed on the door.