No news yet, but just installed the "yeah right skunk catcher""", that is what the wife said when I emerged from the basement with my copy cat invention!!! Member the other day when I asked for advice, well $13 later and a bunch of pondering, it sits in the side yard anticipating favorable results. The 12 guage has been removed to last resort, and I think the skunk may be on it's way to the neighbors....however I do have a rather nifty "yeah right skunk catcher", that I could put on the mantle!!
The video that Snoop posted recomends scrambled eggs with chocolate syrup for bait, but I haven't gotten that far along yet...where do people come up with these things??
I believe that skunks are on the endangered list.
But it will be alright if you do catch him, all you have to do is eat him quick!
yeah right skunk catcher
Photos & materials list ?
That is a cool picture of my girls!!!! Where did you get it?? They really are neat critters, and like Nate says "They don't smell that bad, opens your nose!!" I liked the idea of a tube trap, so off to the hardware store...everyone said the 12 guage was a bad idea. A 3 ft. length of 8" stove pipe, 5 bucks.. 1/2" wire mesh one end, and a cast iron damper for the other end, another 5 with tax $13. Have a heart was $34 and the skunker $160. Haven't tried the scrambled eggs with choclate sauce yet, but guess what my supper is tonight??? Any left overs are in the side yard in the "probably won't work with my luck, then what do I do with it trap!!!"